Institute of Expert Witnesses

Providing specialist advice and support in accident cases

The Institute of Expert Witnesses offers professional impartial and independent advice and provides qualified expert opinions to support the legal process of resolving cases of accidents and injury.

Institute of Expert Witnesses

Mr Geoff Edmondson - OBE

Dear Colleagues,

As President of the IEW it is my very sad duty to inform you that Geoff passed away on Saturday.

It is a great shock to us all and it is still difficult to take in the news.

Naturally we will all want the opportunity to share our love and respect for such a valued, trusted and respected friend and fellow professional, and there will be an opportunity for us to do that in the near future.

I understand that Geoff was watching his beloved Exeter Chiefs and suffered a heart attack. 

The IEW AGM in December will continue, as I know that Geoff would want that to happen. We can use that occasion to mark and celebrate his unmatched service and dedication to the IEW, physical education, sport, recreation and play.

Mac, Wayne and I had a meeting with Geoff a few weeks ago and he was in great form. He was looking forward to the continued development of the IEW, seeing his good friends again and of course the rugby internationals!

We will all miss this icon in our work and grieve a wonderfully sensitive, loyal friend and family man.


Dr Steve Lloyd - President IEW


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