Jean Wenger, with 40 years’ experience on children’s playground facilities, is a foremost provider of technical advice within the UK and Europe. While focusing on the UK, his advice is far and wide. Jean, aside from his extensive British and European Standards involvement, has worked in the USA, Canada, Croatia, Hawaii, Ireland, Germany and China Jean is a full member of the Institute of Expert Witnesses and is experienced at providing detailed reports to solicitors and undertaking oral court work. He is experienced at delivering guidance to NGOs, Government departments, Embassies, and is a board-level advisor to Surrey Playing Fields. Jean assists many other concerned bodies and provides counsel on risk in play provision. Jean is actively involved at the highest levels of British and European Standards writing (BSI, CEN). He inaugurated the European Playground and Outdoor adult fitness Standards (EN1176, EN1177, EN 16630). He is a fully qualified RPII Inspector and Examiner, regularly undertaking detailed assessments of play, sport and recreation facilities for large and small authorities as well as national organisations. Jean's full CV can be found here For more about Jean's areas of expertise and his work as an expert witness contact us on 0117 986 2194or at enquiries@iew.org.uk. |